Meeting with a smiling face is the Sunnah of the beloved Prophet

Many people meet familiar people but keep their faces closed. Looking the other way like a stranger. Devaluing people like this is not the teaching of Islam. Abu Zar (R.A.) said, The Prophet (S.A.W.) said to me, ‘Do not despise any good deed, even if it is the act of meeting your brother with a smile. (Muslim, Hadith 2626)
The beloved Prophet (PBUH) always spoke to everyone with a smile. If he met someone, he would at least greet him with a smile. Narrated Qays (RA), I heard Zarir (RA) say, ‘Since my acceptance of Islam, whenever Rasulullah (SAW) saw me, he smiled in front of me. (Adabul Mufrad, Hadith 249)

If you exchange good deeds with people with a smile, you will get the reward of good deeds. (‘Sadaqa’ means charity, in return for which Allah will reward in the Hereafter.) In a hadith Rasulullah (SAW) stated that every good deed is Sadaqah. And an important good deed is to meet another brother with a smile. (Tirmidhi, Hadith 1970)

In another hadith, Rasulullah (s.a.w.s.) said, even your brother’s smile (on meeting) is a charity. (Tirmidhi, Hadith 1956)
Also should talk to others in soft language. Evil should be resisted by good. There should be no desire to raise one’s voice, abuse or hurt others. It has been said, ‘Do not dispute with the People of the Book except in the best way (courtesy and reasonable way)…. (Surah Ankabut, verse 46)

Language should be polite and discreet. When Musa (a.s.) and Harun (a.s.) were sent to the apostate Pharaoh, they were specifically instructed, ‘You shall speak to him in gentle language. (In that) maybe he will take advice or fear. (Surat Taha, verse 44)

Insulting someone, making ugly gestures towards someone and giving someone bad epithets is a punishable offense in Islam. Almighty Allah says, ‘Do not accuse one another and do not call one another evil. Calling evil names after believing is very reprehensible…. (Surah Hujurat, verse 11)

One should never cross the line of decency while arguing. Abusing, boasting and using harsh language are highly reprehensible. Lokman (a.s.) gave many advices to his son. Some of his advices have been mentioned by Allah in the Holy Qur’an. At one place he says, ‘Moderately you shall direct your feet and keep your voice low. Surely the voice of a donkey is the most unpleasant of all voices. (Surah Luqman, verse 19)

May Allah Almighty grant us Tawfiq to do our deeds.


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