Day: February 20, 2024

Allah will grant the righteous people a place in Paradise

Allah has promised the believers Paradise. That is why the God-given way of life must be […]

Islam calls for frugality

Frugality is moderation in spending in daily life. That is, to spend according to need or […]

Peace will be maintained in the world if God’s words are obeyed

Once upon a time, when there was a crime somewhere, people used to protest against it. […]

Family life in Islam

Family includes husband and wife, children and parents. The basic foundation of civilization has to be […]

Meeting with a smiling face is the Sunnah of the beloved Prophet

Many people meet familiar people but keep their faces closed. Looking the other way like a […]

Meeting with a smiling face is the Sunnah of the beloved Prophet

On the way, at work, many people are met. As a Muslim, how to meet another […]