Family life in Islam

Family includes husband and wife, children and parents. The basic foundation of civilization has to be created with them. That is why marriage is encouraged in Islam. Even the four marriages are mentioned in the Qur’an, but they are also urged to ensure equal treatment and privileges.  

Allah says, ‘And if you fear that you will not be able to establish justice and fairness between them, then marry one. ‘ (Surah Nisa, verse 3).  

Allah also says, ‘O mankind, I have created you from a male and a female. Then We have divided you into different nations and tribes, so that you may know each other. ‘ (Surah Huzrat, verse 13). Through this verse it is evident that the human race has been derived from family ties.  

If people of all castes and tribes are divided into different families and fulfill their respective responsibilities properly, that family will be established as the best ideal family in the society. There will be peace and God’s mercy. The first condition for happiness in family life is a happy married life. The conjugal life that develops between husband and wife after marriage requires harmony and tolerance between the two.  

Family is the first level to build a peaceful society. By family we mean our parents, brothers and sisters and close relatives. Close relatives including uncles, aunts, cousins. It is easy to build a beautiful society by combining them. That is why family life is so important. The family is responsible for the increase of so much lawlessness, adultery, obscenity in today’s society. Today we do not care about who our children are doing, where they are mixing with whom, in what crime they are getting involved. Again, many families are extremely indifferent about this. That is why lawlessness and disorder have increased in the society.  

Allah Rabbul Alamin says, ‘Wealth and children are the beauty of life in this world. (Surah Kahf, verse 46).  

Rasool (pbuh) said, Each of you is responsible and each will be asked about his responsibility. We must remember that the first foundation of human life is the family. The individual is a part of the family. And family is part of society. State cannot be imagined without society. If the individual is right, the family and society are right.  

Allah says, ‘O mankind, fear your Lord, Who created you from a single man, and created from it his wife, and Who spread from among them many males and females. (Surah Nisa, verse 1).  

It is clearly evident from this verse that this is how the journey of human social life begins and throughout the ages people should continue their family ties and progress in this way and maintain social activities. Relationships should be deepened with mutual respect and esteem.  

Allah says, ‘Worship Allah, do not associate anything with Him, and be kind to parents, relatives, orphans, the needy, neighbors near and far, companions, travelers and your rightful slaves. ‘ (Sura Nisa, verse 36).

So if the family can be managed through Islamic principles, it is possible to prevent social unrest and all kinds of vices. It will benefit both the society and the state. God will resurrect people after death. He will be asked whether he has lived according to the rules of life given by God. 

Because the characteristic of a believing servant is to please Allah. And this satisfaction can be achieved by following the ideals of Islam in family life.


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